On May 28, the Helenbeck and Gismondi galleries opened “Whole in the Wall,” a combined show of graffiti and antique furniture at the former Splashlight Studios in Midtown Manhattan. The show, running through June 27, brings together many of the first generation New York graffiti writers, like Lin Felton, known as Quik, and Aaron Goodstone, known as Sharp, with top-flight European artists, like the stencil painters Blek le Rat, of France, and Banksy, from Britain, and other contributors to the global urban landscape, including the ubiquitous Nunca, from Brazil. If the organizers were inclined to heed preopening warnings that New York might not be ready to welcome back the train taggers of yesteryear, many of whom have since found a more appreciative refuge in Europe, they need not have worried. By CLAUDIA BARBIERI Published: June 9, 2009 http://www.nytimes.com
● "Choc, le vrai Roi des Belges" par Hulk . Merci à lui.
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