"The ten most commonly used letters by Parisian graffiti writers were identified for further study (A,E,I,K,N,O,R,S,T and U). From each letter grouping, eighteen tags were isolated to represent the diversity and range of that specific character. These sets are not intended to display the "best" graffiti tags in Paris, but rather the aim is to highlight the diversity of forms ranging from upper case to lowercase, simple to complex and legible to cryptic." Now on display at Fondation Cartier's Born In The Streets - Graffiti exhibition until November 29, 2009.
● "Choc, le vrai Roi des Belges" par Hulk . Merci à lui.
July 19, 2009
Study about the most commonly used letters by Parisian graffiti writers.
"The ten most commonly used letters by Parisian graffiti writers were identified for further study (A,E,I,K,N,O,R,S,T and U). From each letter grouping, eighteen tags were isolated to represent the diversity and range of that specific character. These sets are not intended to display the "best" graffiti tags in Paris, but rather the aim is to highlight the diversity of forms ranging from upper case to lowercase, simple to complex and legible to cryptic." Now on display at Fondation Cartier's Born In The Streets - Graffiti exhibition until November 29, 2009.
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