● "Choc, le vrai Roi des Belges" par Hulk . Merci à lui.
October 02, 2013
In some places graffiti look fucking stupid […] as soon as I am in the country side or somewhere in the South of France I am not even thinking about spray cans you know? It’s just totally ridiculous. And even when you are going to do it, you take a picture, you can publish in on a magazine so the kids in the city will see the magazine and they will see the piece. So it is bringing back to the city again. So, it’s all about the city. And if you are not doing graffiti or you feel offended by it and you are living in the city...I am like ‘c’mon, you want all the stuf f that is going on in the city, you want the heart beats, you want this, you want that...’[…] It’s a city culture, so I feel like when you are living in the city you have to take into account that your kids they are going to get bored with the surrounding, so they want to kick against something and eventually they are going to take a spray can and go out, understand that that culture exists and they are going to write on the walls. Some people have always been writing on walls. Why wouldn’t I do it now ? – Raw
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