● "Choc, le vrai Roi des Belges" par Hulk . Merci à lui.
September 04, 2013
When you do it illegally you have a certain feeling, one night you are angry and the piece will come out angry. A common person won’t understand it, but the letters, the lines that you do, they are from an angry person. If you are easy and quiet, you also can see it. You make softer lines. Graffiti represents you, it represents your feelings. If you are angry, you can’t start fighting with people, you can’t hurt your girlfriend or your parents, you can’t go robbing a bank. And so you go painting because you have this discomfort to take off your body…Graffiti represents the life style of that particular moment for sure. How you think reflects the way you do it, the actions you do, the spaces you take - Renok
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